- 02/2019: Engineering Plastics – Markets, Businesses, Prices
- One-day seminar, KI Group GmbH.
Demand and application, plastics production and value chains, types of plastics, main markets and trends, prices and pricing / dependencies. - 04/2018: Process engineering (theory)
- One-day seminar, German / English, BDÜ Hessen e.V.
Principles, examples of process engineering plants, the P&I flow chart, equipment, explosion protection, hazards in process engineering plants, acceptance and certification. - 10/2017 – 05/2018: GDPR and new data protection regulation
- Threepart webinar series, BDÜ e.V.
Followed by assessment and co-implementation of the GDPR in the BDÜ Landesverband Hessen e.V. - 03/2017: Conveyor technology in theory and practice
- Two-day seminar German / French / English, BDÜ Hessen e.V.
- 03/2016 – 04/2016: German legal terminology.
- Six-part webinar series, BDÜ Hessen e.V.
- 03/2016: Machine tools and production technology
- One-day seminar German/English, BDÜ Hessen e.V.
- 02/2016: Cloud Computing Concepts
- Four-week MOOC, Coursera
- 09/2015: Electrical Engineering
- Three-day seminar, BDÜ Weiterbildungs- und Fachverlagsgesellschaft mbH/University of Hildesheim
Direct/alternating current, voltage and frequency, circuits and components, the 5 safety rules, low/medium/high voltage networks, country comparisons and terminology work in German, English and French. Three-day attendance seminar. - 05-07/2014: Marketing Basics. Product, communication, price and distribution policies.
- MOOC, iversity/University of Leipzig
Graded final exam: B (87%). - 09/2013: Home and building automation
- Three-day attendance seminar German / English / French, BDÜ Weiterbildungs- und Fachverlagsgesellschaft mbH/University of Hildesheim.
Flyer/Contents - 10-12/2012: Internetworking with TCP/IP. Protocols, Routing, IPv4, IPv6.
- MOOC, openHPI/Hasso-Plattner-Institut:
Graded final exam: A (96%). - 03-08/2012: Business basics (for entrepreneurs)
- Webinar series, BDÜ Baden-Württemberg e.V.
- 03-04/2012: Social Media Marketing
- Webinar series, Mixxt
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